Since sharing the video pertaining to the rezoning of 903 E. Broad st. on Friday many have responded wanting to know what can be done. Well, there’s actually a solution that can work well for everyone involved. Instead of rezoning the two properties to Light Industrial and Commercial, the developer could request a Conditional Use Provision(CUP) for their property. Under the CUP, the developer could request the continued use for the existing Oncor building and it’s expansion without requiring a zoning change. Also, the city can include the requirement that the rail spur located on the property not be used, thus preventing future traffic issues in downtown. Lastly, since the zoning would not have to change from General Retail, if down the road Oncor decided to relocate to a different property, that area of downtown would then have the option to continue under the CUP or redevelop the property into something more fitting for downtown such as retail, restaurant, and/or an outdoor attraction similar to what was presented to the city for that property earlier this year.

The Forney City Council is scheduled to consider the rezoning for 905 E. Broad Tuesday evening and the 903 E. Broad Property was tabled by the P&Z Commission until their November meeting. Stay tuned for updates on their decisions.