Many will post all over social media thanks for those who have served our country. That’s great and the thanks are well deserved. But, with most subjects I wonder what it all really means and what were the roots of that subject. It’s easy to be thankful while standing in front of the grill today, eating a hot dog, and drinking a beer. MURICA!! But, what does it really mean to have that ability?

We see on the news everyday so many cultures, races, and countries that are oppressed, bullied, and told what to do with no ability or willingness to change their circumstances. This country was built by people who wanted better, who risked everything, even their lives to improve the world around them.

I want to thank those who had the vision, who knew you and everyone else deserved better, and risked your lives to make it happen. The world needs more men and women just like you. Happy Memorial Day everyone. #Vision #Will #Sacrifice