Tonight, myself, Kevin Moon, David Johnson, and Forney’s first woman Mayor, Mary Penn were sworn into office. I was also nominated as Mayor Pro Tem. First, I want to thank my family for sticking with me and enduring all that being a family member of a public official in Forney entails. Without you I may not have made it through this journey. Also, I want to thank all of my supporters. I started this journey for you and I will continue until you no longer want me to. I promise I will work hard for you through the good and the bad. Next, I want to thank our great city staff. While elected officials endure much stress and heartache in order to serve the community in which they live, city staff endures much more. I can assure you our staff is top notch and they just want to do a great job for our citizens. They work hard everyday not only to make a living, but to improve the community they live in as well. Lastly, I want to thank my fellow City Councilmen/Councilwomen for entrusting in me the position of Mayor Pro Tem. Some told me I made an odd face tonight when nominated and that’s because I was doing my best to hold back my emotions. I truly am honored and just don’t want to mess it up so I am also nervous. But, I know I have the support of our Council and that gives me great comfort.

I also want to say that tonight felt very different and members of the crowd said the same. Council, family members, members of the crowd, and staff were all smiles. There were longtime members of our community in attendance. New members of our community were in attendance. Herbert Hunt took time out of his busy schedule to attend. Two of my favorite people in Forney, Duck-Man and his wife were in attendance. It was happy, it was positive, and the sense of progress was in the air (This is why I chose the picture I have for this post). While the crowd applauded each time when myself, Kevin, and David were sworn in, the crowd roared when Mary was sworn in and it was an experience I will never forget. Thank you Mary for everything you do for Forney. You deserve every bit of this and I’m glad to be by your side.

That said, it’s time to get to work. Forney, join us! Lets go get stuff done!