From left to right: Al pastor, chicken, and barbacoa tacos from El Paisano.

That’s right, as you may remember I asked on The Sate of Forney Facebook page not so recently for help naming our taco (and pie, and probably more at some point) review group. Turns out, we didn’t pick anyone’s suggestion. But, Josh’s wife suggested a name that was perfect. We shall now officially be referred to as Dos Gringos y Amigos! Myself and Josh Hough (Dos Gringos) will always be part of the review process and we will regularly have a rotation of friends (Amigos) to come along with us. On this day our group consisted of myself (Shaun Myers), Josh Hough, John Morrison, and Jose Guia. Now that we have settled that, lets get to another review. Speaking of that, in the past I have written about our entire trip in one article. We’re changing that to now be an article a week (if my schedule permits) highlighting each taqueria, pie shop, etc that we review. We’re also working on a comprehensive rating spreadsheet that you can always view in case you are craving tacos. We’ll make that available soon.

In December Dos Gringos y Amigos set out on another taco and pie adventure that turned out some amazing tacos. Our first stop turned out to be our new number one taco stop in DFW. A short drive across 80 to 30 and up 35 took us to El Paisano at 2911 Lombardy Ln in Dallas. Funny story, I’d actually been to this spot, or atleast I thought, by suggestion of Jose, and wasn’t all that impressed. Turns out the building is split in half and both spots are occupied by taquerias owned by members of the same family from what I understand. Perhaps there was a disagreement in the past, who knows? What’s even more interesting is both spots serve the same amazing salsa, but only one spot has amazing tacos. If you decide to check out El Paisano make sure to go in the proper side of the building. If you are facing the building from Lombardy, go in the right side with the blue awning. Trust me, there is a difference.

Upon arriving we were provided chips and the best salsa I have ever had. People literally order $10 quarts of it and take it home for further consumption, as did Dos Gringos y Amigos. You can see a picture of the salsa in the photo gallery below. It’s full of flavor and spicy, exactly how I like it. If you are sensitive to spiciness then be careful, it will get you after several chips. Between the four of us we ordered chicken, al pastor, barbacoa, and pulled pork tacos. All of them were absolutely amazing and the al pastor is my new favorite taco in DFW (I would like to try it and the Bistec taco from El Si Hay side by side just to make sure though). The taco that was particularly surprising was the chicken taco. I’ve never had a chicken taco with so much flavor. There’s no doubt it is the best chicken taco I have ever had. Dos Gringos y Amigos average taste rating for El Paisano was a 4.75/5 with three out of four amigos rating it a five. Dos Gringos y Amigos highly suggests checking out El Paisano. Don’t forget to take home some salsa as well!

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