In mid to late 2018 I decided I wanted to try and find the best tacos in DFW. I travel around the metroplex to various jobsites so it’s an achievable goal since I often eat out for lunch. Might as well be eating tacos! I was invited by a friend to go check out some places in Dallas yesterday and we ended up going to three taquerias and I consumed seven tacos myself. Don’t judge! We love tacos! Two of the places we tried my friend found to be highly rated on the internet and the first place we tried was recommended by my neighbor. I intend on creating a spreadsheet with ratings and such so you can all keep up but I need to find the time to do it. I know, this isn’t necessarily Forney related but many of you drive to Dallas or even further for work so this may come in handy for some of you. Two of the spots we went to topped my favorite taco on the list, Fuel City’s al pastor taco.

Taqueria El Si Hay (10/10)
601 W Davis St, Dallas, TX 75208

El Si Hay, the one recommended by my neighbor, was our first stop. This place has what is now my number one taco on my taco list. When we pulled up there were approximately seven or eight people waiting for their orders. It's just a tiny aluminum building literally only big enough to make tacos in. Unfortunately the barbacoa wasn't ready yet, but ironically that made room for the best taco I've had so far. I ordered the al pastor, lengua, and bistec. We also ordered both the hot salsa and the green salsa to add to the tacos. I had the al pastor first as it is my favorite meat for tacos. I added the hot salsa, which is bright red, and while it was a great taco, it didn't quite surpass the Fuel City al pastor for me. However, I could tell immediately that the hot salsa was special. I had the lengua next and added the green salsa to it. The lengua had great flavor and you couldn't even tell by the texture that it was beef tongue. I thought the green salsa complimented it well. Finally, I had the bistec last and added the hot salsa to it. The flavor in this taco was absolutely amazing and the hot salsa was perfect for this taco. It got better with every bite and this taco now tops my list of favorite taco in DFW. I highly recommend this place, and especially the bistec taco with hot salsa.

Trompo (9/10)
839 Singleton Blvd #150, Dallas, TX 75212

After El Si Hay we took the short trip to Trompo near Trinity Groves. I'd actually been here before but had the quesadilla that day by suggestion of the lady taking our order. It was fantastic by the way. However, it was time for tacos this time. I only ordered two tacos this time and decided to go with the barbacoa and trompo (pork). Trompo also provides a green and hot orange salsa. I used the hot salsa on both tacos this time. I had the trompo first as it resembled al pastor and it was excellent. It has now overtaken the al pastor at Fuel City. I'd put it at number two behind the bistec at El Si Hay but it was an excellent taco. I had the barbacoa next and I was a big fan of it as well. The meat was flavored nicely, tender, and juicy. Trompo has to be in the top three in Dallas. If you decide to visit Trompo, my friend said they are moving to Bishop Arts soon so check their location before you make the trip. A Bishop Arts location will serve them much better anyway in my opinion.

Chilangos Tacos (8/10)
10777 Harry Hines Blvd ste 130, Dallas, TX 75220

We decided after Trompo we hadn't had enough tacos so we decided to hit up one more spot. Chilangos is a bit more of a drive up 35 to Manana and Harry Hines. Chilangos is in a strip center and is a bit larger with tables and chairs to sit and eat. I ordered the barbacoa and pastor. They included salsa guacamole with the order but I ended up using the hot orange salsa yet again. The pastor was very good but it didn't make the top of the list for me. The barbacoa was a bit fatty for me but it had great flavor. Chilangos was third on the list for the day but it's absolutely worth a visit.

It was a great day on the taco trek! If you get a chance to try any of these taquerias out I highly recommend all three of them.Everyone have a great weekend!