Photo courtesy of TIME Magazine.

The city of Forney is currently working through the budget process and that process includes budgeting for road maintenance, equipment, staff raises, and much more. Part of this process also includes implementing aspects of Vision 2025, the vision created by the Forney City Council in 2017. Part of Vision 2025 is making Forney a destination city. Accomplishing that goal will encompass many different types of projects over time but a focus on events and entertainment in Forney is one the city can improve now.

Part of this process will include funding new and existing events which will include extending the Independence Day Celebration to a full day event, adding Brews on Bois D’ Arc, a New Year’s Eve Ball Drop, adding more concerts at the amphitheater which will include much bigger names than we’ve had in the past, and additional events still under discussion. While this is all exciting for the residents of Forney, since we are changing the events we are funding this year, some current events may have to change as well. For instance, the BBQ Cook-off, as a stand-alone event has been cancelled. It was announced just this morning that the Art & Wine Walk event in October has been cancelled. It remains to be seen if the Turkey Trax Car Show will proceed as planned this year. That said, this does not mean that these events won’t be back, potentially even bigger and better.

One of the few ways to fund events like these are with HOT funds. HOT stands for Hotel Occupancy Tax and these taxes are collected any time someone stays in a hotel room. Under the Tax Code, every event, program, or facility funded with hotel occupancy tax revenues must be likely to do two things: 1) directly promote tourism; and 2) directly promote the convention and hotel industry. While the events listed above that have been cancelled or are under review do promote tourism, it has been at a small scale thus far. With the events planned under the new budget, the city expects to potentially attract hundreds of thousands of people over the span of the events. One idea is that the events that have been cancelled become just one part of some of the events planned, rather than be the focus of the event.

The city understands this process may come with a bit of heartache at first, but we also believe that our vision will change this city as we know it, providing much needed entertainment for families and adults within Forney and moving us a step closer to becoming the destination city we envision. Stay tuned, there are many details to come. We’re excited and I think you should be to.