As of October 9th it has been six months since the Kaufman County DA sent a “notice for retention and preservation of documents, electronic data, and tangible things” in relation to a pending investigation by the Texas Rangers. According to that letter the purpose was to place The City of Forney on notice that there was a pending investigation by the Texas Rangers into potential criminal offenses related to The City of Forney’s dealings with and termination of former Forney Police Department Chief of Police Mica Lunt. Although issues with staff are usually kept internal, you may recall that this particular issue was very public, or at least the details the politicians and the Police Chief wanted you to hear were. Various groups including politicians, representatives from police associations, and citizens inside and outside of Forney staged protests in front of City Hall calling for the resignation of the City Manager. Forney social media groups were full of discussions about the issue and City Council meetings during the controversy usually featured multiple speakers supporting then Police Chief Mica Lunt.

Ironically, that support was not mirrored inside the Police Department. In the middle of this ordeal a Whistle Blower letter was sent to City Council that shed light on the actions of the Police Chief during his tenure in Forney, a letter that was conveniently never made public, until now (see below). Upon being sworn into office, Amanda Lewis made a speech minutes before her first City Council meeting calling for the rehire of Mica Lunt. Notice how that subject has quietly been swept under the rug. Why? Because the current interim City Manager spent days talking to the staff at City Hall as well as 12 hours speaking to every individual that could be found at the Police Department. The common theme among all of staff, including 75% of those in the Police Department was that they did not want to see Mica Lunt rehired. As a result, the Interim City Manager informed Mica Lunt that he would not be rehired and Lunt proceeded with an attempt to negotiate a payoff of over $100,000 even though he did not have a contract with the City of Forney.

Coincidentally, what was also going on during this time was an election. For years nearly every election cycle in Forney has been riddled with controversy. The common claim by politicians and their supporters is there is “corruption at City Hall.” For years there were claims of an ongoing investigation by the Texas Attorney General on alleged corruption of previous City Council members and staff at City Hall. The Texas AG was eventually contacted about the alleged investigation, and they stated that all claims made to the AG’s office were dropped two years prior as it was determined there was no wrongdoing by anyone named in the claim, a claim made by politicians. Recently, claims were made that there was an ongoing investigation into the misuse of CARES Act funds by the City of Forney. During a discussion pertaining to a potential Forensic Audit, new City Council members Amanda Lewis, Sarah Salgado, and Jason Roberson have pushed, the City Attorney was asked what the status was of that alleged investigation. It was stated that the matter was closed with the state, all monies had been awarded to the City of Forney, and there were no issues with it’s use of the funds. Here we are yet again, another alleged investigation into corruption at City Hall. Six months later, no further details. I decided to reach out to the City Attorney for an update on this matter and while his reply may surprise you, it shouldn’t. It certainly doesn’t surprise me. I have attached the short email conversation (see below) for you to see for yourself but in a nutshell, I asked if there had been any communication from the Texas Rangers, the Kaufman District Attorney’s office, or any of their representatives pertaining to the alleged investigation since the initial letter was sent to his office. His answer? “No. I have not received anything else.” No call, no email, no visit by any representative, nothing. That’s some investigation, don’t you think? Sounds serious. Another election cycle, another narrative, the city turned on it’s heads once again. When does it stop? Will Forney ever get to move past the corruption cloud created by politicians that follows this city year after year? The truth is this city has one hell of a staff that has continuously navigated this ship through all of the propaganda throughout the years. It’s time we see City Hall for what it is; full of great potential as long we don’t let politicians muddy the waters year after year. It’s time this city moves forward………for good.

Whistleblower Letter:

City Attorney Email: