Growth in Forney has been a hot topic as of late, mostly because of politics. We hear a lot of claims being thrown around about that growth. “Forney hasn’t grown responsibly.” “Forney is building too many houses and not enough commercial.” I could go on but you get the picture. You know what they say, a picture is worth a thousand words, so for part 1 of this topic I decided to put together a growth map of the city of Forney (inside city limits) that shows an outline of the city limits of Forney, as well as color coded areas inside city limits for areas such as current and planned commercial areas, city parkland, misc. areas such as churches, utility owned land, etc. While I show nearly all of these areas on the map there are a handful of other very small areas sprinkled in here and there that may not be shown or are covered within surrounding commercial areas. You’ll notice some lighter red lines near the bottom of the map. Google maps wasn’t quite up to date on city limits and I’ve added recently annexed areas as accurately as I could. The areas not shaded on the map include single family residential, multi-family residential, some misc. areas of land owned by the city of Forney, privately owned land, Forney ISD school sites, etc. As you’ll see there is quite a large percentage of area inside city limits dedicated to commercial as it compares to residential and there is a significant amount of upcoming commercial that includes retail and restaurants. The area shown outside of the city limits line is not under the governmental control of the city of Forney. See map below.

In addition to the map I have included pictures and files for retail and mixed-use developments that are part of previously approved developments, are included in the upcoming commercial areas on the map above, and in the process of planning and development. You can find those below. Stay tuned for part 2 where I will cover roads and the city of Forney thoroughfare plan.

Gateway Restaurant & Entertainment Development (548 & Gateway Blvd):

Gateway Retail Plaza (Hwy 80 Between Reeder Rd and Gateway Blvd):

Victory at Forney (Hwy 80 Between Marketplace Blvd and Trailhouse Ln):

Trailhouse Park (Hwy 80 and Trailhouse Ln):

One thought on “Part 1-Just How Has Forney Grown Over The Past Two Decades?”
  1. We moved here 21 years ago when our boys were babies and one not even born. There was only Brookshire’s, one donut and pizza place. There were only a few housing developments and those were custom. We had only Johnson and Criswell as elementary schools and Clayton was being built.. We had lots of open fields and trails to explore. It was the perfect place to raise our boys. Two of my boys have graduated from FHS and the third is a sophomore. I teach in Forney and have loved it for so long, but it has become a difficult place to navigate. There are so many people and the infrastructure just can’t support them. I hope this will improve.

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