Photo Credit to Texas Tribune

Kaufman County has experienced record growth over the past several years, some of the highest rates in the nation in fact. The Census Bureau reported Kaufman County as the third highest in the nation at 4.7%. Along with a growth in population you can also expect a growth in homelessness. Between 2019 and 2020, nationwide homelessness increased by two percent, marking the fourth straight year of incremental population growth. Previously, homelessness had been on the decline, decreasing in eight of the nine years before the current trend began. With that, Kaufman County’s population growth is predicted to increase by 10% over the next five years.

I attended the monthly Kaufman County Homeless Coalition meeting in February and some of the statistics for Terrell and Kaufman County are staggering. While the Coalition is awaiting preliminary numbers discovered in the annual PIT Count for homelessness in Kaufman County, numbers for those experiencing housing insecurity in Terrell and Kaufman County were presented. Housing insecurity includes suboptimal housing or living in substandard conditions which can cover a wide range of violations including lack of running water or electricity, pest infestation, overcrowding, etc. An average of 29.53% of households in Kaufman County and 49.87% in Terrell are experiencing these conditions. Housing insecurity also includes households who are spending more than 30% of their income on housing. An average of 29.9% of households in Kaufman County are experiencing the cost burden of housing, as well as 51.44% in Terrell. Those numbers are astonishing.

These numbers really put a magnifying glass on what family’s are experiencing in Kaufman County. Add to that the current state of our nation with inflation increasing at record rates, property values increasing at record rates, gas prices at record levels, and not only a shortage in housing, but especially affordable housing. We’ve all seen the ever-increasing issues with homelessness in L.A. and Austin on the news, along with their poor or lack of planning on how to solve the issue. So, what is Kaufman County’s plan? The Kaufman County Homeless Coalition has come together to help facilitate the conversation, provide real data, and generate solutions. Improving and eliminating homelessness and home insecurity in Kaufman County will require the community’s help however. If you would like to be involved, the Kaufman County Homeless Coalition will be holding their monthly meeting in Forney on Monday March 21st at 11:30am at First Presbyterian Church Forney. Lunch will be provided so RSVP if you plan on attending but if you forget, just show up! Also, go like and follow their Facebook page. The information they provide needs to be known by everyone in Kaufman County. Below are links to their page and the event page for the Forney meeting on the 21st. Click on interested so you are reminded as the event gets closer.