The Forney City Council and the third party firm they have hired for $47,700 to search for Police Chief candidates have invited the citizens of Forney to City Hall tonight so that you can tell them, and their taxpayer funded firm, how to do their job. I know what you’re thinking, wow that seems harsh and community feedback should be encouraged at all times. I understand that reaction. However, in this case, it just doesn’t matter. It’s a waste of everyone’s time, money, and effort.

Here is how the process will go. Politicians have setup this “community outreach” event so that they can tell the public they care. However, they’ve set the event up at City Hall which may hold a couple hundred people in Council chambers and the halls, with some waiting outside, a much smaller venue than the Town Hall meeting they staged at North Forney I might add. Less than 50 people will show up from a community that’s approaching 30,000, some of which will be residents who live outside city limits and won’t enjoy the services provided by the Forney Police Department, to tell the firm what they should look for. The politicians will give fake smiles, shake your hands, and thank you all for coming. The firm will then go on and advertise the opening to the world. Candidates who are actually still willing to work in Forney will throw their name in the hat, candidates will be eliminated based on experience and other criteria, and in 17-23 weeks the City Manager, who’s actually the one in charge of hiring and managing the Police Chief, will hire who he feels is the best person for the job.

If you have nothing to do this evening, or perhaps you just want to see your $47,700 at work, a link to the event is below. Get there early though, I hear tickets for the 20 seats in Council chambers are almost sold out!